Suggestions for FIT health
Now a days, People are crazy and worried about their health. As most of professional people are busy in their career and work scheduled then unable to take care of themselves even with better and fresh food.
Following are some of the suggestions on this that may help to achieve the freshness in your life..with simplicity..
Eat less: I used to eat until I was full, and then snack as a hobby. And sometimes I still do. But, more and more, I decide when I've eaten enough, leave room for a treat later, and simply choose to eat a little less.
Drink more water. I used to try to drink 8 glasses a day, but I usually ended up either losing count...or just going to the bathroom a lot. Now, on my way to the table I stop by the sink and grab a glass of water. I figure that's more water than most people drink, it probably helps me eat less, and sometimes it reminds me to drink even more. Close enough.
Eat more fruit. Benjamin Franklin said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I just know apples, a banana, some grapes or something "exotic" like a mango or a kiwi tastes good, and it's the fastest, most portable and convenient food I've found. A handful of those little baby carrots beats a sandwich by a good 90 seconds!
Eat your vegetables. Yeah, still listening to my mother. But on the positive side, they're so easy! No sauces, no mixing or blending or nothing! Raw, steamed or microwaved, they're great for adding color to a meal (greens, yellows, and beans in all sorts of colors). I know fresh and organically grown is best, and sometimes I buy them that way....
Eat more rice and baked potatoes. I score points with my doctor, my "significant other" and again, it's about the easiest cooking I've figured out.
Stretch when you feel like it. I used to follow a routine that recommended stretching and yoga for about 30 minutes every morning. Wonderful stuff! Very healthy. And someday I'm going to give it another try! For now, every morning, and several times during the day, I stand up and try to reach the ceiling. I bend, twist, shake my shoulders, breath deep, whatever seems to feel good at the moment. Then I get back to work.
Avoid exercise and elevators. OK, I believe jogging and sweating and lifting weights are good for me. And I do some of it. But I also find it useful to walk around the block to get the mail (the box is across the street) or take the stairs instead of the elevator. I walk the dog, push the lawnmower and play tennis and golf with my friends. That way I figure I'm exercising and leaving the gyms open for the rest of you.
Spend time with friends. Talking, sharing dreams, giving and receiving support, solving life's great mysteries and debating politics or religion with a friend does wonders for the soul. And, hugs are good. And if you have a life-partner, I find talking regularly seems to avoid a number of other problems, as well!
Laugh every day. Tell a joke, wrestle with your dog or play with the kids next door, but have some fun! Life's short.
Plan for dessert! At the end of the day, I really like something special to top it all off. So, I plan for a bite of chocolate or a cup of low-fat pudding or yogurt or a handful of fresh grapes. It sure seems to beat restlessly searching the cupboards and refrigerator for "something" and ending up with a big bowl of ice cream!
This lense may provide for those simple and cool advice that they easily can apply this in your life without affecting any of your regular task.
Enjoy your health Be happy always...SMILE and make yourself and other laugh..
Following are some of the suggestions on this that may help to achieve the freshness in your life..with simplicity..
Eat less: I used to eat until I was full, and then snack as a hobby. And sometimes I still do. But, more and more, I decide when I've eaten enough, leave room for a treat later, and simply choose to eat a little less.
Drink more water. I used to try to drink 8 glasses a day, but I usually ended up either losing count...or just going to the bathroom a lot. Now, on my way to the table I stop by the sink and grab a glass of water. I figure that's more water than most people drink, it probably helps me eat less, and sometimes it reminds me to drink even more. Close enough.
Eat more fruit. Benjamin Franklin said, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I just know apples, a banana, some grapes or something "exotic" like a mango or a kiwi tastes good, and it's the fastest, most portable and convenient food I've found. A handful of those little baby carrots beats a sandwich by a good 90 seconds!
Eat your vegetables. Yeah, still listening to my mother. But on the positive side, they're so easy! No sauces, no mixing or blending or nothing! Raw, steamed or microwaved, they're great for adding color to a meal (greens, yellows, and beans in all sorts of colors). I know fresh and organically grown is best, and sometimes I buy them that way....
Eat more rice and baked potatoes. I score points with my doctor, my "significant other" and again, it's about the easiest cooking I've figured out.
Stretch when you feel like it. I used to follow a routine that recommended stretching and yoga for about 30 minutes every morning. Wonderful stuff! Very healthy. And someday I'm going to give it another try! For now, every morning, and several times during the day, I stand up and try to reach the ceiling. I bend, twist, shake my shoulders, breath deep, whatever seems to feel good at the moment. Then I get back to work.
Avoid exercise and elevators. OK, I believe jogging and sweating and lifting weights are good for me. And I do some of it. But I also find it useful to walk around the block to get the mail (the box is across the street) or take the stairs instead of the elevator. I walk the dog, push the lawnmower and play tennis and golf with my friends. That way I figure I'm exercising and leaving the gyms open for the rest of you.
Spend time with friends. Talking, sharing dreams, giving and receiving support, solving life's great mysteries and debating politics or religion with a friend does wonders for the soul. And, hugs are good. And if you have a life-partner, I find talking regularly seems to avoid a number of other problems, as well!
Laugh every day. Tell a joke, wrestle with your dog or play with the kids next door, but have some fun! Life's short.
Plan for dessert! At the end of the day, I really like something special to top it all off. So, I plan for a bite of chocolate or a cup of low-fat pudding or yogurt or a handful of fresh grapes. It sure seems to beat restlessly searching the cupboards and refrigerator for "something" and ending up with a big bowl of ice cream!
This lense may provide for those simple and cool advice that they easily can apply this in your life without affecting any of your regular task.
Enjoy your health Be happy always...SMILE and make yourself and other laugh..
Cool and simple advice for better HEALTH
Apply this tips to get change in your life
Remember, Health is very precious ever in our life than anyother
If you are taking special effort to avoid such food items, you will never have to dedicate special time for taking care of your health.
Have a look on below points and try it in your day-to-day life..
1. Get into good habits: Go to bed at the same time every day. If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and only go back to bed when you feel sleepy. Ensure that your bedroom is dark and quiet.
2. Take baths not showers: A bath 30 minutes before going to bed improves sleep, say researchers at the University of Texas.
3. Use lavender: According to research in France, the aroma of lavender oil can be as effective as prescription tranquillisers. In a research study in London, an insomniac enjoyed her first complete night's sleep for four years after using aromatherapy oils. Lavender oil can be used in massage or in the bath.
4. Take exercise: Researchers at Stanford University found that adults who took part in 16 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise significantly lessened their sleep problems. The best time to exercise is five to six hours before bedtime, and it should be strenuous enough to make you sweat.
Try to lose some weight but don't Crash Diet, beware of fad diets, consider supplements, eat calcium, take small bites, use your sense of smell, try to get a good night sleep, try to eat more vegetable and pure veg. food rather than non-veg that will cause no to increase more your body.
Try to be happy, make and feel yourself as happiest person in the world. Think and create positive ideas think about nature around you, take fresh air by getting up early in the morning.
BY:Get moving, try red clover extract,get tested, resist carving, Practise reiki, take evening primrose oil, eat well, try melatonin,
1. Shed some weight: For every excess kilogram you carry, you cut 20 weeks off your life expectancy. Doctors who have analysed 25 years of research claim that this may explain why women, who generally have smaller bodies than men, live longer.
2. Be a vegetarian: Being vegetarian for 20 years or more adds four years to the average lifespan, according to a study based on 7,100 Adventists, who largely do not eat meat. A UK report also shows lower mortality rates among vegetarians.
3. Have a happy marriage: Being happily married for more than 10 years increases life expectancy for both men and women. But divorce and remarriage raises the risk of dying early, says a report in the journal Health Psychology.
4. And have an intelligent wife: Being married to a more intelligent woman can halve a man's risk of heart disease and premature death, according
to research based on 20,000 men.
5. Be religious: Regular worshippers live longer, and are generally healthier. The social aspect of religion is thought to be significant.
6. Get a pet: People with pets live longer. Pets make their owners feel optimistic, relaxed and less stressed, all of which lower blood pressure. Families who own a dog or cat make fewer visits to their doctors, according to research at Cambridge University.
7. Avoid lie-ins: People who sleep for more than eight hours a day have shorter lives. According to research in the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Benefited to your health by apply this:
1. Set out some easy-to-eat fruit: I struggle because I have a sweet tooth. One thing that has helped me cut back on candy is to have grapes, dried mangoes, prunes, clementines (fast and easy to peel) and other sweet fruits readily available. That way, when I wonder into the kitchen looking for an easy snack, the fruit is right there. And it's sweet enough to satisfy my craving - most of the time.
2. Replace one drink per day with water: Instead of that sweetened "sports" drink, or that soda, drink water. Replace one can/Big Gulp/20 oz. bottle each day with water. If you must have flavor in your water, there are low calorie options that lightly flavor your water for you. Even drinking a glass of lowfat milk is better for you than a 20 oz. soda. At the very least, downgrade the size of the sweetened drinks you are guzzling.
3. Daily relaxation: If you take 15-20 minutes each day to relax, via yoga, meditation, some sort of journal writing, or non-demanding reading, you can improve your health by reducing stress. It can even help you lose weight more efficiently when combined with other healthy behaviors!
4. Slow down at mealtime: Give your body time to register that it is consuming food and getting full. This way, you will consume fewer calories, and possibly enjoy your food more. Not to mention you can enjoy extra time with your family.
5. Replace one meat entree a week with a vegetarian alternative: You can boost your health by eating less red meat. Pick one entree a week, and replace it with a tastyvegetarian entree. Not only will you boost your health, but you will be living greener. At the very least, replace one beef, chicken or pork entree with a fish entree.
6. Walk a little more: You've heard the advice about parking your care further from the store. This is actually good advice! You can walk a little more throughout the day. Take five minute mini-walks two or three times a day when you go on break. Adding more vigorous exercise to your schedule is even better.
7. Replace white bread with brown: White bread, rice and pasta is less healthy than brown varieties. You'll be surprised at how flavorful whole grain bread can be, and amazed at the different varieties (and colors) of rice available. You can ease into whole grain pasta by getting the mixed pastas that combine white and wheat.
8. Add variety to your salad: Replace boring iceberg lettuce with flavorful spinach (which is much better raw than cooked, IMO), red lettuce and other leafy vegetables found in "spring mix" bags. These colored leaves are higher in nutrients, and they can add a little more variety to your meals.
Every country has their own traditional way of healthcare activities:
In India, The two main forms of traditional medicine practiced are the Ayurvedic -meaning science of life system, which deals with causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment based on all aspects of well-being -mental, physical, and spiritual, and the unani so-called Galenic medicine herbal medical practice. A vaidya is a practitioner of the Ayurvedic tradition, and a hakim -Arabic for a Muslim physician is a practitioner of the unani tradition.
Ayurveda literally translated means the "knowledge of life." It is the traditional healthcare system of India. Ayurveda is based on the idea that a life and lifestyle of harmony is the basis for optimum health. It can be said that where there is harmony there is health and where there is disharmony there is disease. Ayurveda is the science of creating harmony between a person and their environment.
It is well accepted that stress is the greatest threat to the well being of people. Stress weakens the immune system making the host (you and I) more attractive to the multitude of pathogens present in the world. As the strength of the host diminishes, the ability of the microorganism to penetrate its defenses increases. Stress plays a role in the onset of just about every disease people face from the common cold to heart disease. Not only is stress invisible, it is created by the person who is affected by it. This realization helps people understand that just as they have the ability to create the experience of stress, they also have the ability to create the experience of peace of mind. Ayurveda, and its sister science Yoga are a path to personal power helping people learn how to gain control over the mind. Once in control, a person is no longer the slave of their thought process but rather its master.
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