All FDA Approved Drugs Are Not Safe
How did the agency approve drugs that can cause such harm? The answer lies in a complex network of regulations, pharma-doctor connections, and confusion regarding clinical trials and testing procedures and their conclusions. Most patients place implicit faith in modern science, and pharma companies in the U.S. are considered the vanguards of scientific breakthroughs in disease prevention and management. Besides, patients do not have the medical knowledge necessary to make an informed choice. The fact that almost 50% drugs approved by FDA later run into the dosage rough waters is a telling example of how the system works. The list is endless -- Yaz can cause hemorrhage, Raptiva was taken off the shelves following a brain infection alert, Accutane manufacturers admitted in 2005 that it could lead to severe depression. It gets worse. There are Avandia, Celexa, Betaseron, Foradil, Levodopa, Palladone, Mirapex, Levitra, Protopic, Vioxx, Ritalin, Terbutaline, Zevaline, and many, many more drugs on the list.
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