Saturday, August 13, 2011


TEA - the GREEN approach to HEALTH!!

GREEN TEA and other herbal varieties have healthifying, therapeutic and even curative qualities, and many elderly and even centigenarians attribute their longevity to the drinking of certain herbal recipe teas. So, let's see what we can learn about the benefits of making your own tea!

Tramadol: A Mother's Story

It does not matter what my real name is and what is my age exactly. What I am about to tell is one of the most extreme experiences I had ever gone thorough and it represents indeed an important lesson others should pay attention to. After being happily married for three years, my husband and I decided we should try and have a baby. Almost at the same time when we took that decision, I started to feel a strong pain in the cervical region and found out I suffered from spondylitis, a condition given by vertebral joint inflammation and usually manifested through pain and local stiffness. The doctor recommended I followed a treatment plan with Tramadol, a synthetic opioid pain reliever, and do plenty of exercise.

All FDA Approved Drugs Are Not Safe

All FDA Approved Drugs Are Not Safe

It might come as a surprise that many of the drugs that the average California personal injury lawyer takes pharma companies to court for are FDA approved.

Meniere's Disease

Why Meniere's Disease?

I have had Meniere's Disease for several years. As anyone who has MM knows it changes your life. The attacks come with very little warning. And they might last for several hours or days. When the attack subsides you will feel worn out as though you haven't sleep for days.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Diary Of A Recovering Addict

Victorianna's Diary

The deceitful web of addiction affects millions of people. This is just one story. It is unique because it is my story, but it is not unusual...

Part I
The Road To Detox

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Grow Fine Hair Back

Treating Men and Women Hair Thinning

Testosterone plays a key part in the production of hair follicles, and for this reason, too much sex will lead to alopecia. Often times, many men or women will notice a change in their scalp when they don't really have any genetic factors for balding. Eating a less nutritious diet and succumbing to too much stress can also lead to this condition.

It is advised that such a person take hair supplements, meaning, natural and organic vitamins that will assist in hair growth. Individuals should check ayurvedic drugs including HairOMax, which has received wide spread acclaim for its medicinal properties. Also, check for other supplements like Zinc and Collagen, which are known to boost hair growth. It won't take a considerable amount of time for the lost hair follicles to grow back, but do keep in mind that you should limit sexual experiences.

There have been cases where individuals have seen great results in a one year span. The overall scalp of a patient was thinning at about 80%, but when the vitamins stated above were administered to him/her, they saw a big increase in follicle levels. Keep in mind that all natural vitamins aren't synthetic, and such drugs could boost a long energetic lifestyle.

Nutrition Supplements
1. Zinc
2. Arginine
3. Collagen

Other Medications - For People With Genetic Hair Balding (Alopecia)
1. Propecia -
2. Rogaine -
3. Bosley -

Laser surgery isn't the most effective, as all implanted hairs have a tendency to thin. Only choose this option if your hair follicles have stopped thinning and are in the growth process.

Nioxin...Does it Really Work?

My husband began to notice his hair thinning a few years ago and freaked out. His father and grandfather are both bald on top and he refused to look the same. Slowly his hair became thinner and he began finding hair lying on the bathroom counter. The hunt was on! He searched the internet for solutions and came across various treatments. Together we explored almost all of the available options such as, Hair Club for Men, Rogain,My husband began to notice his hair thinning a few years ago and freaked out. His father and grandfather are both bald on top and he refused to look the same. Slowly his hair became thinner and he began finding hair lying on the bathroom counter. The hunt was on! He searched the internet for solutions and came across various treatments. Together we explored almost all of the available options such as, Hair Club for Men, Rogain, Propecia, hair transplants you name it. Below I will go into further detail about what we found out about treatments, the costs & the effectiveness.

         What happened at Hair Club for Men?

Our visit.

My husband and I visited Hair Club for Men for a free consultaion, they had an office close by and we thought what the heck. After the assesment they offered us a package of hair care products to use for X amount of time. While using these products you are to be reassesed peridically where they take photos and what not for your personal file. Then after so much time has passed they give a prescrption for Propecia. I can't remember exactly what the membership cost was but after a student discount and the "if you accept today" discount I believe it was somewhere in the ballpark of $1200.00-$1500.00 plus monthly fees for product. (The cost of Propecia is additional $70.00 per month) My husband was so caught up in the idea of his hair growing back that he accepted. I left with a knot in my stomach....we didn't have that kind of money to spend on hair. I don't doubt that their formula works, I just can't afford it. If you ask me, when you buy the membership you are not only paying for the product, you are also paying for their infomercials and fancy office buildings etc. Thats just my opinion. Hair Club for Men also offers other solutions which all depend on your analysis that consists of viewing your scalp under a microscope on a tv monitor.

You can check out more about Hair Club for Men and what others have to say about it at the following...


What is Nioxin?

After returning home with a knot in my stomach I called my mother who I should mention is a licensed cosmetologist to tell her what we had done. She recommended to us NIOXIN. "What is Nioxin?", I asked her. Nioxin is a product used to grow and maintain thinning hair. There are eight different NIOXIN® Scalp and Hair Care Systems designed to help improve the appearance of thinning hair. In order to create and maintain an optimal scalp environment, each System is formulated to achieve maximum results for your specific hair type. Use this link to find your hair type. Nioxin works the same way as Hair Club for Men products. After speaking with my mom, I read the fine print on the contract and found a 3 day return policy. I went to the supply store and bought the Nioxin system and compared the ingredients in both the cleanser, conditioner, folicle booster and the vitamins. Low and behold they are the same, the treatment regimen...the same. I was so excited to share this news of great savings and full hair to my husband. The next day he returned to Hair Club for Men for a refund.

The Nioxin system consists of 5 major parts, Cleanser, Scalp Therapy, Scalp Treatment, Follicle Booster and Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex (a dietary supplement) In order to see results you must first be patient, I can not say this enough and second YOU MUST USE THIS PRODUCT CONSISTANTLY FOLLOWING ALL DIRECTIONS, if you stop the treatment it will stop working for you. Results may not be noticable for up to 6 months. This is also about how long it took for my husband to see real results.

How much does Nioxin cost & where can I purchase it?

NOTE* Product descriptions and prices are approximate and may vary based on which Nioxin system is right for you.

The Nioxin # Systems include Cleanser, Scalp Therapy & Scalp Treatment
Intensive Therapy Follicle Booster & intensive Therapy Recharging Complex are needed but are not numbered, no matter your hair type.

Nioxin System Cleanser -
5.1oz. $7.26
10.1oz. $10.43
1 Liter $29.96

Nioxin Scalp Therapy -

5.1oz. $9.97
10.1oz. $16.19
1 Liter $36.44

Nioxin Scalp Treatment -

3.4oz. $20.18
6.8oz. $32.29

Nioxin Intensive Therapy Follicle Booster - Nutrient Booster Contains time-released ingredients for areas of extreme thinning. Used daily, protects against the harmful effects of sunlight, repairs damage caused by free radicals, and enhances the bodys own cellular rebuilding process.

1oz. $18.29
3.4oz. $47.49

Nioxin Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex - A dietary supplement infused with Co-zyme10 TM and a blend of vitamins, herbs and amino acids. Nutrients are derived from Wild Yams and 100% natural sources, without using chemical binders or fillers, ensuring proper bio-activity and purity. Its pre-dissolved.

30 Capsules $17.00

You may purchase Nioxin products at local salons and at the following

To locate a salon near you who carries Nioxin products visit

Dealing with Fibromyalgia

It just hurts!

Physical Comfort for Pain Management

Fibro = fibrous tissues (ligaments that attach to bone and tendons that attach muscle to bone)
myo = muscle
algia = the Greek word for pain

You hurt all over, and you frequently feel exhausted. Even after numerous tests, your doctor can't find anything specifically wrong with you. If this sounds familiar, you may have fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as fatigue and multiple tender points - places on your body where slight pressure causes pain.

Fibromyalgia occurs in about 2 percent of the population in the United States. Women are much more likely to develop the disorder than are men, and the risk of fibromyalgia increases with age. Fibromyalgia symptoms often begin after a physical or emotional trauma, but in many cases there appears to be no triggering event.

         May is Fibromyalgia Awareness Month ~ Take Action

American Pain Foundation

American Pain FoundationMay 2011 Action of the Month

Learn the Facts about Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia affects an estimated six million people in the U.S. but is an invisible condition. You can't tell someone has fibro by looking at them. Chances are that you, or someone you know, has fibromyalgia. May is Fibromyalgia Awareness month, and APF's Action of the Month is to learn the facts and share the Is Fibro the Cause? toolkit with friends and family members.

The valuable toolkit is full of helpful tips, resources and vital information on how to recognize fibromyalgia's signs and symptoms as well as guidance on seeking treatment. Inside is a worksheet to help track symptoms, nutrition tips to overcome fatigue, ideas for alleviating stress, and essential strategies on coping and living well.

Please visit the American Pain Foundation for more information.

What does the word mean?

Fibro = fibrous tissues (ligaments that attach to bone and tendons that attach muscle to bone)
myo = muscle
algia = the Greek word for pain

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Symptoms of FibroSigns and symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary, depending on the weather, stress, physical activity or even the time of day.

Widespread pain and tender points
The pain associated with fibromyalgia is described as a constant dull ache, typically arising from muscles. To be considered widespread, the pain must occur on both sides of your body and above and below your waist.

Fibromyalgia is characterized by additional pain when firm pressure is applied to specific areas of your body, called tender points. Tender point locations include:

* Back of the head
* Between shoulder blades
* Top of shoulders
* Front sides of neck
* Upper chest
* Outer elbows
* Upper hips
* Sides of hips
* Inner knees

People with fibromyalgia often awaken tired, even though they seem to get plenty of sleep. Experts believe that these people rarely reach the deep restorative stage of sleep. Sleep disorders that have been linked to fibromyalgia include restless legs syndrome and sleep apnea.

Co-existing conditions

* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Depression
* Endometriosis
* Headaches
* Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
* Lupus
* Osteoarthritis
* Post-traumatic stress disorder
* Restless legs syndrome
* Rheumatoid arthritis

Many people who have fibromyalgia also may have:

Diagram of Tender Points

Fibro Tender Points
The American College of Rheumatology guidelines for making a fibromyalgia diagnosis require pain at 11 of the 18 tender points on the body.

Newly Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia?

Robert Bennett MD

National Fibromyalgia AssociationThe Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia patients have widespread body pain which often seems to arise in the muscles. Some FM patients feel their pain originates in their joints. Pain that emanates from the joints is called arthritis; extensive studies have shown FM patients do not have arthritis. Although many fibromyalgia patients are aware of pain when they are resting, it is most noticeable when they use their muscles, particularly during repetitive activities. Their discomfort can be so severe it may significantly limit their ability to lead a full life. Patients can find themselves unable to work in their chosen professions and may have difficulty performing everyday tasks. As a consequence of muscle pain, many FM patients severely limit their activities including exercise routines. This results in their becoming physically unfit, which eventually makes their fibromyalgia symptoms worse.

In addition to widespread pain, other common symptoms include a decreased sense of energy, disturbances of sleep, and varying degrees of anxiety and depression related to patients' changed physical status. Furthermore, certain other medical conditions are commonly associated with fibromyalgia, such as: tension headaches, migraine, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, premenstrual tension syndrome, cold intolerance, and restless leg syndrome. Patients with estalished rheumatoid arthritis, lupus (SLE), and Sjogren's syndrome often develop FM during the course of their disease. The combination of pain and multiple other symptoms often leads doctors to pursue an extensive course of investigations, which are nearly always normal.

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia

There are no blood tests or X-rays that show abnormalities diagnostic of FM. This initially led many doctors to believe that the problems suffered by FM patients were "all in their heads," or that fibromyalgia patients had a form of masked depression or hypochondriasis. Extensive psychological tests have shown these impressions were unfounded. A physician's diagnosis of FM is based on taking a careful history and the finding of tender areas in specific areas of muscle. These locations are called "tender points." They are tender to palpation and often feel somewhat hardened if the muscle is stroked.

The Long-Term Outcome for Fibromyalgia

The musculoskeletal pain and fatigue experienced by fibromyalgia patients are chronic problems that tend to have a waxing and waning intensity. There is currently no generally accepted cure for this condition. According to recent research, most patients can expect to have this problem lifelong. However, worthwhile improvement may be obtained with appropriate treatment. There is often concern on the part of patients, and sometimes physicians, that FM is the early phase of some more severe disease, such as multiple sclerosis, lupus , etc. Long-term follow-up of fibromyalgia patients has shown that it is very unusual for them to develop another rheumatic disease or neurological condition.

However, it is quite common for patients with "well-established" rheumatic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, and Sjogren's syndrome, to have fibromyalgia also. It is important for these patients' doctors to realize they have such a combination of problems, as specific therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, etc. does not have any effect on FM symptoms. Patients with fibromyalgia do not become crippled with the condition, nor is there any evidence it affects their lifespan. Nevertheless, due to varying levels of pain and fatigue, there is an inevitable contraction of social, vocational, and avocational activities that leads to a reduced quality of life. As with many chronic diseases, the extent to which patients succumb to the various effects of pain and fatigue are dependent upon numerous factors, in particular their psycho-social support, financial status, childhood experiences, sense of humor, and determination to push on.

The Treatment of Fibromyalgia

The treatment of FM is frustrating for both patients and their physicians. In general, drugs used to treat musculoskeletal pain, such as aspirin, non-steroidals (e.g. ibuprofen), and cortisone, are not particularly helpful in this situation. As in any chronic pain condition, education is an essential component that helps patients understand what can or can't be done as well as teaching them to help themselves.

It is important for a patient's physician to discover whether there is a cause for sleep disturbances. Such sleep problems include sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and teeth grinding. If the cause for a patient's sleep disturbance cannot be determined, low doses of an anti-depressive group of drugs, called tricyclic anti-depressants or short acting sleeping medications such as zolpidem (Ambien) may be beneficial. Patients need to understand these medications are not addictive when used in low dosages (eg., amitriptyline 10 mg at night) and have very few side effects. In general, routine use of sleeping pills such as Halcion, Restoril, Valium, etc., should be avoided as they impair the quality of deep sleep. It is claimed that Ambien (zolpidem) avoids this problem.

There is increasing evidence that a regular exercise routine is essential for all fibromyalgia patients. The increased pain and fatigue caused by repetitive exertion makes regular exercise quite difficult. However, those patients who do develop an exercise regimen experience worthwhile improvement and are reluctant to give up. In general, FM patients must avoid impact loading exertion such as jogging, basketball, aerobics, etc. Regular walking, the use of a stationary bicycle, and pool therapy utilizing an Aqua Jogger (a floatation device that allows the user to walk or run in the swimming pool while remaining upright) seem to be the most suitable activities for FM patients. Supervision by a physical therapist or exercise physiologist is of benefit wherever possible. In general, 20 minutes of physical activity three times a week at 70% of maximum heart rate (220 minus your age) is sufficient to maintain a reasonable level of aerobic fitness.

Drugs such as aspirin and Advil are not particularly effective and seldom do more than take the edge off FM pain. Opioid analgesics (propoxyphene, codeine, morphine, oxycodone, methadone) may provide a worthwhile pain relief in a subgroup of severely afflicted patients, but fibromyalgia patients seem especially sensitive to opioid side effects (nausea, constipation, itching, and mental blurring) and often decide against the long-term use of these drugs. The use of opioid analgesics (narcotics) in the management of non-malignant pain has been a controversial issue for many doctors, with the usual reasons for concern: addiction, oversight by state medical boards, and criminal diversion of drugs. However, recent research has shown that addiction seldom occurs when these medications are use in chronic pain states. It is important to understand the difference between addiction and dependence (which occurs with all these drugs in the majority of patients (see Addiction/Dependence). Two particularly useful weak opioids in the management of FM pain are tramadol (Ultram) and the combination of tramadol with acetaminophen (Ultracet). Neither of these two medications is a FDA scheduled drug (i.e. they have minimal addiction potential).

Particularly painful areas often may be helped for a short time (2-3 months) by trigger point injections. This involves injecting a trigger point with a local anesthetic (usually 1% Procaine) and then stretching the involved muscle with a technique called spray and stretch. It should be noted the injection of a tender point is quite painful (indeed, if it is not painful the injection is seldom successful). After the injection, there is typically a lag of two to four days before any beneficial effects are noted. Other techniques that directly help the tender areas on a transient basis are heat, massage, gentle stretching, and acupuncture.

Buy Cialis Online

         Buy Cialis Online Part 1

Creating your account Registration Step 1 Part 1Step 1 is simple, they ask for your email address name and phone number, and a password. This is pretty standard stuff for ordering anything online. Now, you need to scroll down a bit to continue the process. A note on emails, I've since given my email and I've never had a spam email sent to me from them in the last couple of years. However they do send 3 emails each time I order.

1. An order confirmation email
2. An email letting me know my credit card was billed, or once when I actually switched to a new credit card, that it was declined with some instructions.
3. An email with my tracking numbers and an explanation of how to track my package online.

Also they often will email you specifically if there is an issue, like a declined credit card or issues with your medical profile. If you put in a fake email I would imagine you just won't get notified of anything.

Buying Cialis Online Part 1 Section 2

Filling Out The Medical Profile

Epillsrx Registration Step 1 PArt 2
Now, once you scroll down, you'll see some personal information thats required. Your name birthdate etc... Fill them out they are pretty self explanatory. The next portion is yes or no answers. If you choose yes for any of them, then elaborate. For example, if you have a heart condition, but your doctor has approved your use of generic viagra, then its probably relevant you put both of those things down. You might further expect one of the doctors to call you and your doctor for verification.

Read the terms and conditions. Mark that you have read them and continue. If you don't mark the checkbox, you can't place your order.

I also have marked down that I wan't to hear about promotions. These so far have not been a pile of endless spam email. I get about 2-3 offers a year, There is normally a spring time sale or bonus. Something around Christmas. These Promotions are only for existing customers and only available to those who sign up for it.There are no other catches or clauses. They just email you a month or so before a discount to let you know.

Click Next Step to Continue.

Generic Cialis Part 2 Section 1

Payment Details Page Help

Epillsrx Registration Step 2 Part 1Step 2 is even easier, the question how did you hear about us I'll come back to at the end of this article. First they show you an order summary with your totals.

Delivery Address

Epillsrx Registration Step 2 Part 3
Skip to delivery address and put in your mailing address or where you want to pick up your medication, I prefer my office and not my house, So I would put my office address here. Now, this isn't the same as my billing address, so I need to mark that down when I'm filling in my Payment Information.

Payment Information

Epillsrx Registration Step 2 Part 2
In this section you simply put in the information of the VISA or Mastercard you wish to use. The only trick here is making sure you have the correct billing address. Also for those of you who don't know CVV2 is the 3 digit number on the back of your credit card. Just flip it over, look for your card number and then the numbers AFTER the card number, not just the end of it. So it would look like this: XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX 123 on the back. the 123 is the CVV2.

By Default the Use my delivery address is checked, so make sure you uncheck it if you need to, and then fill it out.

Changing Your Billing Address if Required

Epillsrx Registration Step 2 Part 4
Once I unchecked the "Use Shipping Address" , you can see there is a space for the billing address of that credit card. Thats where I was able to add my billing address information. In my case my home address. Once that's done simply click Place Order and you are done. You'll get a confirmation screen that will give you all your account information for you to double check.

Please read the next section before you place an order.

Meniere's Disease - How to Beat it

What is Meniere's Disease? Is it as hopeless as people think?

I have lived with Meniere's Disease since 1996, but since 2002 I've been symptom free. There are very good reasons for that. I hope if you are reading this and you either have Meniere's yourself or someone you care about has it, this will give you some hope and helpful information.

You can read my own story in full

What helped me beat Meniere's Disease

Listen to how I was able to live symptom free after years of vertigo and dizziness. I was sceptical about this but it certainly worked for me....if you want to know more about the system of supplements I take, go to: Menieres-Help.Com/System.php

         What Is Meniere's Disease?

Firstly this condition is not technically a disease as such. It is what is known as an 'idiopathic' condition. A medical dictionary would define this as 'self originated' or of an 'unknown cause'. Basically they do not know what causes it. But it is a degenerative condition, meaning it gets worse with time.

It is a disorder of the inner ear, where it is believed that a build up of fluid puts pressure on the hearing and balance nerves. The fluid gathers in the 'endolymphatic sac' at the end of the labyrinth that is the inner ear. The sac balloons, which results in the pressure on the nerves. You may hear this referred to as 'endolymphatic hydrops'. Experts think that the sac ruptures, causing two inner ear fluids that should be kept separate to mix, causing the worst symptoms of Meniere's.

This is what they "believe" happens, but there is no way for sure to find out as this part of the ear is impossible to see.
The theories as to the cause of Meniere's and the focus of scientific investigation include possibilities such as noise pollution, viral infections, middle ear infections, head injuries, syphilis, bacterial infections, stress, fatigue, alcohol, smoking and allergies. None of these have been clinically proven yet.

There are many other possible 'triggers' that seem to have a common theme among sufferers. (see the 'Triggers and what to do about them' page)

What does all this mean for the actual sufferer? Well, this condition is not fatal, nor is it contagious. It is a chronic condition however. It seems to affect everyone slightly differently and can range from troublesome at best to totally debilitating and terrifying at worst. Some people only experience one or two symptoms; others the whole lot.
If there is such a thing, classic symptoms of Meniere's include: fullness in the ear, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), dizziness, vertigo (shocking abnormal sense of movement, usually spinning uncontrollably) and hearing loss.

Meniere's sufferers will talk about brain fog, disorientation, confusion, inability to concentrate, sudden exhaustion, light sensitivity and noise sensitivity. It is a very lonely condition to have to live with and can lead to depression and a sense of hopelessness.

A bout of vertigo can lead to severe exhaustion and the sufferer can be incapacitated for the rest of the day afterwards, sometimes longer. This makes holding down a job very difficult and people often find themselves having to give up work altogether. Some are even afraid to go out of the house alone for fear of what may happen. Even the lights and aisles of the supermarket may spark attacks. It is a miserable existence.

Anybody can get Meniere's, male or female, young children to old age pensioners.

Existing treatments vary from drugs like antihistamines, anticholinergics, sedatives, anti-emetic agents, diazapam or diuretics, to surgery like endolymphatic shunt implants, vestibular nerve sections and various steroid injections into the ear. All of these are designed to relieve symptoms. They are not cures. They do not tackle the root cause.

For a more detailed description go to:

The beginning of my story of Meniere's Disease

5 years ago I was in a slight car accident. I was hit from behind. My neck snapped a little and I was feeling woozy. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital. As I was being driven there I became very nauseous and began throwing up. The EMT were baffled because that type of accident usually doesn't result in someone throwing up. This continued while I was at the hospital. I was released and sent home.

Two weeks later I was driving home in the evening as I turned into the driveway I became very dizzy and sick to my stomach. My wife worried that I was having a heart attack. I wasn't, I was having my first Meniere's attack.

I went to an ENT the following week and he tested my hearing and suggested what my problem might be. It was either vertigo or a rare disease called Meniere's. Which he described as a category that doctors put patients who have problems with their balance but don't have vertigo.

Well, I was tested for vertigo and I didn't have it.

So, my journey with Meniere's began.

Tried the low sodium diet, the diuretics and the balance exercises....

After the initial diagnosis of Meniere's disease I went on the low sodium diet which at first seemed to help but then stopped. I was also put on a diuretic, which makes you go to the bathroom many times a day. Didn't help. I was given exercises to help with my balance, like the sodium diet it seemed to help but in the end I was still getting sick.

Difficult times became worse

It seemed like every day I was having an attack. On the good days I would take my antivert and within an hour the spinning would go away. But on the bad days, the spinning would be intense, I would become nauseous and I would start to throw up.
The sweat would be pouring off me and i would usually end up on the floor. Unfortunately, most of the severe attacks happened at work. On 5 different occasions the EMTs would have to wheel me out of the place I work to an ambulance then to the emergency room. It was very embarassing.

Finally I went to my ENT and told him that I had to do something because this was making life unbearable especially for my six year old son who had to see his daddy this way.
He recommended a specialist who only dealt with inner ear problems.

Hoping the new treatment will work...

My new doctor was a well known inner ear specialist in Atlanta. From what I read about him he was on the leading edge of all things dealing with the inner ear, such as tinnitus and Meniere's disease.
At first he suggested the Meniett device, a relatively new device that blows pressure in your ear and supposedly lessens the chances of having an attack. Unfortunately the device is so new that the insurance companies don't cover it.
The next step was the gentamicin injections, a procedure that I describe later in this lens. I would get 4 injections total with the injections being spaced out every 2 weeks.
At this point I was ready for anything but the attacks were still coming.

The gentamicin injections

Gentamicin injections are given to Meniere's patients to kill the balance hairs in the inner ear; these hairs send signals to the brain about your balance. The injections are given in the ear that has the Meniere's disease. (Ask your doctor about how he determines which ear is bad. In my case the ear that I had the most hearing loss was treated)

I was given 4 injections over the course of eight weeks. Although my doctor told me there would be little pain, the procedure seemed very painful to me and I felt dizzy after each session.
When all the injections were given, I felt like I had made great progress. The dizzy spells were almost gone and I felt pretty good. But that didn't last long.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to get rid of arthritis pain effectively

Suffering from Arthritis pain - Try Ultracet: minimum side effects, maximum relief !!

Arthritis is one of the most common afflictions found worldwide and generally affecting external body organs. NSAIDs have been traditionally used in Arthritis treatment but with major side effects. Tramadol (Ultracet) is the latest recommendation for treating Arthritis.
Arthritis is really painful so act before it becomes unbearable!! 
What is Arthritis (Joint inflammation)?
Arthritis or Joint Inflammation is irritation of bone joints (connection point of two bones) that cause aching in joints, bulging and restricts patient's movement. Generally predominant in women and elderly population, Arthritis can affect anyone and according to latest reports, there are supposedly more than 50 million Americans afflicted by this condition.

What actually happens in Arthritis?
Arthritis basically affects the cartilage present between two bones. Cartilage is the tissue present between all bone joints that helps bone movement. Cartilage also acts as shock absorbent between bones when the body is involved in functions that put pressure on it. Lack or reduction of normal amount of cartilage causes grinding of bones, which leads to aching, swelling and stiffness of joints.

What are the causes and symptoms of Arthritis?
Arthritis can be caused by a number of reasons like breaking of bone; Abrasion of joint due to age or sustained pressure, Bacterial/Viral Infection or even by Autoimmunity wherein the body's internal self defense mechanism thinks that the body part (cartilage) is an external invading body and starts attacking it.

Symptoms are similar to many other afflictions so a Physician would be the best authority on deciding if someone has Arthritis. Yet general symptoms are: aching joints, bulging of joints, inability of joint movement, skin reddening near joint, rigidity of joints (esp. in early part of the day) and feeling of warmth around joints. For in-depth examination, Physician may suggest X-ray, blood tests, joint fluid test etc to confirm the kind and severity of the Arthritis.

What are the various Arthritis treatments?
Some Arthritic conditions can be completely cured by medication but for others, containment is the only option for bringing in normalcy to patient's lifestyle. Physician will prescribe medication based on the type of Arthritis, severity of condition, age of patient and patient's lifestyle and occupation. Medication is generally accompanied by exercise and dietary/lifestyle advice. buy ultracet is a recommended medication for those suffering from arthritis to get quick pain relief.

Lesser Known Facts About Arthritis

  • 1 in 5 adults living in the United States reports having doctor-diagnosed arthritis.

  • Nearly 1 in 3 adults living in the United States has either doctor-diagnosed arthritis or chronic joint symptoms that have not been diagnosed by a doctor. This number is up from 1 in 6 adults in 1998, and the number continues to increase as the population increases.

  • Arthritis is second only to heart disease as a cause of work disability.

  • million physician visits and more than 500,000 hospitalizations are attributable to arthritis.

  • Half of those Americans afflicted with arthritis do not think anything can be done to help them.

  • Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. However, some forms of arthritis inflame more than just joints and some cause very little inflammation.

  • Arthritis refers to a large group of diseases that affect areas in and around joints.

  • Arthritis is the one of the most prevalent chronic (persistent and long-lasting) health conditions.

  • The prevalence of arthritis increases with age.

  • There are over 100 different types of arthritis, each differing widely in progression, cause, symptoms and method of treatment. The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis, affecting an estimated 21 million people.

  • The cause of most types of arthritis is unknown.

  • Arthritis is the leading cause of disability among Americans over age 15.

  • Arthritis is one of the oldest diseases known to man and has been discovered in the remains of people who lived over 500,000 years ago.

  • More women than men are afflicted with arthritis.

  • All age groups are affected by arthritis, including about 300,000 children.

  • Arthritis is diagnosed by the patient's medical history, a physical examination, blood and laboratory tests and/or X-rays.

  • The most common form of arthritis in children is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common chronic childhood conditions and occurs nearly as often as insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes.

  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis has two peaks of onset: between 1 and 3 years and between 8 and 12 years.

  • Girls are twice as likely to develop juvenile rheumatoid arthritis as boys.

  • The prognosis for those with juvenile arthritis is good. 75% of children with juvenile arthritis recover without significant joint damage.

  • 8.4 million adults between the ages of 18 and 44 have arthritis.

  • Arthritis costs the U.S. economy $86.2 billion per year.

  • When both direct and indirect costs (such as lost wages) are combined, arthritis costs the U.S. economy more than $124 billion per year.

  • More than half of those affected with arthritis are under age 65.

  • Almost half of those afflicted with arthritis have one of the two most common types of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, occurs when cartilage, a type of dense connective tissue that protects bones at joints, deteriorates and causes bone to rub against bone.

  • Osteoarthritis is often called a "wear and tear" disorder.

  • While Osteoarthritis cannot be cured, there are treatment forms that includes drugs and tailored programs of exercise. There are also numerous studies on the way to determine the of natural substances, such as Glucosamaine and Chondroitin, for the rebuilding of cartilage tissue.

  • Injured joints are more likely to develop osteoarthritis than joints that have not been injured.

  • Women of average height who are overweight and lose 10 pounds or more over 10 years can cut their risk of developing osteoarthritis by half.

  • Young adults with knee injuries have 6 times the risk of developing osteoarthritis by age 65 than those without knee injuries.

  • Young adults with hip injuries have 3 times the risk of developing osteoarthritis by age 65 than those without hip injuries.

  • Even though one may have joint damage extensive enough to show up on X-ray, one still may not have symptoms.

  • By age 65, more than half of the population has X-ray evidence of joint damage and osteoarthritis in at least one joint.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form of arthritis, occurs when the body's immune system reacts against its own joint linings, causing painful inflammation.

  • An estimated 0.3 to 1.5 percent of the U.S. population has rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Most individuals with rheumatoid arthritis are between the ages of 20 and 40.

  • Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis includes rest, drugs, exercise and joint replacement or surgical joint repair.

  • In very severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis can be treated by injections of a gold compound.

  • After 10 to 12 years with rheumatoid arthritis, less than 20% of patients are free of disability or deformity.

  • Fewer than five percent of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are wheelchair bound or unable to take care of themselves.

  • Ten percent of those with rheumatoid arthritis go into complete remission within the first year.

  • Although arthritis is unlikely to be fatal, studies have shown that those with rheumatoid arthritis tend to die earlier, mostly due to increased susceptibility to infection.

  • Gout is another common form of arthritis, where repeated flare-ups of painful swelling occur. The bunion joint, which connects the big toe to the foot, is usually affected first. Various drugs are used to treat gout.

  • Septic arthritis, another fairly common form of arthritis, is caused when a joint is infected by bacteria. Early treatment with antibiotic drugs prevents crippling disability.

  • Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis in which spinal joints become inflamed causing the patient to develop a hunched back.This disease attacks mostly young men and can be treated with drugs and physical therapy.

  • Lupus, a form of arthritis that causes chronic inflammation of lungs and tissues, occurs mostly in women of childbearing age.

  • Fibromyalgia is a disease in which muscles and attachment to bones are affected, causing severe pain. This disease affects mainly women.

  • Fibromyalgia is sometimes mistaken for Lyme disease.

  • People who are overweight or obese report more doctor-diagnosed arthritis.

  • People who are more than ten pounds overweight have an elevated risk of developing arthritis, especially in weight-bearing joints such as the knees.

  • Obesity aggravates the course of osteoarthritis, especially knee osteoarthritis.

  • Many people with doctor-diagnosed arthritis report limitations in important activities such as walking, bending and climbing stairs.

  • In 1998, the number of deaths due to arthritis and other related rheumatoid conditions was 9, 367.

  • Three categories of arthritis alone account for 80% of all deaths due to arthritis.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, the most common chronic inflammatory arthritis, accounts for 22% of all deaths due to arthritis.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is often called the "great crippler."

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is also among the most serious and disabling types of arthritis because it strikes multiple joints, follows an unpredictable course and has no known cure.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis afflicts three times as many women as men.

  • One of the most common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is fatigue.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis affects mainly women in their forties, although anyone can be affected.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis affects the same joints on both sides of the body.

  • It is estimated that approximately 10 to 20% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis are expected to have a complete remission early in their disease or to follow a mild intermittent course which will require little medical attention.

  • Nearly fifty percent of adults over the age of 65 report doctor-diagnosed arthritis

  • Not all arthritis is persistent and lasting. Many are limited and of brief duration.

  • Some arthritic conditions have a known cause or causes and can be cured if treated properly. Others have poorly understood causes and follow an unpredictable course.

  • Most of the chronic forms of arthritis are likely to result form a complex interaction between genes and environment.

  • Evidence suggests that microbial agents trigger certain types of arthritis in genetically predisposed people.

  • Many patients with arthritis are successfully treated. Indeed, proper treatment can allow the majority of patients to function with little or no pain.

Release From Your Ache

Means To Release From Your Ache

The complaint is getting the best of you and you are likely to have it defeated once and for all? At this rate using good remedy should be the sort of answer you require. But first before you get medicine, learn during what time the healing has to last. Medicaments should be exposed for continuous curing, in the rate if complaint release is necessary round the clock. While you get it trough the usual manner and receive it from the domestic chemist's with the help of your prescription, you could understand how much money it will come to you during the durable therapy, especially when you are making payment of your own. It is a rational solution would become to receive the Tramadol online, because you can decrease the price of the treatment materially, while receiving the class you wished. Web pharmacies allow you to Buy Tramadol and any else medicaments much more simply and cosily, which is why a lot of individuals select this way of buying the curing they like. You have an ability to get best remedy avoiding prescription for only some seconds, and even obtain a bonus for the amount you purchase (when you are ordering many items) and receive it conveyed very quickly straight to your place. This really seems a kind of great answer, especially you are not that sort of individuals that can allow themselves to test a chance on curing the complain.

Often, the drug is used for the medication of medium to hard pain, though there can exist else purposes depending from every specific accident. The medicine works better when used hourly, at the same every day, without loosing no doses or ignoring them knowingly. Opiate ache medication of this kind has a chance to set up addiction in some people, which is it is better to have the healing only for the term it is advised and constantly trace the dosage prescribed. In case you have ever addicted to opiate or alcohol, or have a kind of self-annihilation wishes, you may need to negotiate the applying of this remedy with qualified medical professional heretofore taking the eventual decision. Other medicinal qualifications that need be considered with a qualified health care professional heretofore you come to the treatment involve kidney trouble, liver complaint and stomach complaint, although any other conditions you are aware shall interrupt with the quality treatment would always be important to remember. It is advised for individuals after sixteen and should not be shared with the ones under said years.

Oh, my aching neck

My aching neck

A pain in the neck is a pain in the neck. And it's a pain that is hard to forget about whether you are awake or trying to sleep. Even the least amount of movement is painful. It can become a real problem when you have chronic neck pain.
What can you do about it?

         What causes neck pain?

Basically neck pain is caused by overuse and injury to the neck muscles

1. Cervical strain is caused by the strain of muscles of ligament of the cervical spine. Over stretching be may one of the causes. Car accidents and sports activities also contribute to cervical strain.
2. When the cartilage is worn out in the neck and there is degeneration of the cervical spine the condition is called Cervical spondylosis.
3. Facet joints are small joints that support the weight and stress in the neck. When these joints are inflamed it's called Cervical facet syndrome
4. Whiplash is one of the most common types of neck pain. This occurs when the spine is stretched.

Sleeping and neck pain

A few tips to help prevent neck pain while sleeping

  • Your head should not be at an angle on the pillow. This will definitely strain your neck and make your neck stiff in the morning.

  • Try to be consistent in how you position yourself at night. If you prop your head up with 2 pillows make sure to do that every night.

  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and get up, make sure when you go to bed to go back to your familiar position

  • If you need to use pillows to help with your positioning in bed

  • Don't sleep on your stomach because of the strain that it puts on your back and stomach muscles.

Neck pain and Chiropractors

Millions of Americans find relief from neck pains and other pain in the body. One of the most common procedures that a chiropractor does is a neck adjustment (cervical manipulation). This procedure can reduce pain and almost immediately improve neck mobility. For more information about chiropractors go to The American Chiropractic Association.

Stress has an effect on Neck Pain

Stress can cause so many problems in life including neck pain. There are many ways to reduce emotional stress including progressive relaxation and abdominal breathing.

Check out my squidoo lens on Stress and How to deal with it.

Headaches and neck pain

Headaches can stem from neck pain. Usually poor posture or neck stress strains the nerve endings on muscles and joints causing the headache. Proper posture and a strong neck can help with the problem.

How to give your self a neck massage!

How to get rid of pain in neck

It really isn't that difficult to give your self a neck massage. Follow this link NECK MASSAGE


Traction, also known as traction of the spine, is a therapy that stretches the muscles and ligaments making a space between the vertebrae. This helps relieve the pain of pinched nerves. There are 2 types of traction: manual and mechanical. Manual, of course is done by a therapist while mechanical is done by weights and a harness.

What is whiplash?

Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by sudden movement of the neck muscles. Some of the more common injuries associated with whiplash are: car accidents, bicycle accidents or from falling off a ladder.

What causes a stiff neck?

Waking up in the morning with a stiff neck is one sure fire way to ruin your day. You will spend the rest of the day trying to work the stiffness out only to get a headache for your troubles. You can certainly do without that pain in the neck. But what prevents a stiff neck?

Maybe we should ask what causes a stiff neck to find the prevention. Some of the main causes of a stiff neck are:

Sleeping on your stomach or sleeping with your head twisted will definitely strain those neck muscles by morning.

Solution: Always sleep on your back and make sure that you have a pillow that will support your neck.

Opening a window will cause not only a draft but also a cold and sore neck.

Solution: This is easy close the window or make sure that your neck is covered.

Sitting in front of a computer all day with your neck stuck in one position certainly won't help.

Solution: Always take a break on a regular basis while working on a computer.

You may not think that your posture is that bad, but if you slouch when you sit down or if you hang your head while you walk this may cause a stiff neck.

Solution: Check your posture in a mirror. Stand up straight and don't slouch.

Neck muscle spasms

If you have ever played football or any other contact sports you may have had neck muscle spasms. It is a cramp in your neck where your neck muscles can't contract. Besides sports, neck muscle spasms can be caused by poor posture, sleeping in an uncomfortable position or stress.

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Old Age Problems

Perceiving Old Age

Unfortunately Old Age has now become a prevalent social problem in our society. It is strange no one wants to grow old but every one want to live long. In our modern society, where money is the scale of everything, the old age people are measured as an economic liability and a social burden. Old age is observed as an ineluctable, undesirable, problem-ridden stage of life that we all are compelled to live, marking time until our final exit from life itself. Many people get extremely fearful when they become old. Distinguishing old age with fear is in fact a rather recent phenomenon. It seems to intensify as each day passes and the world become more difficult and less comprehensible.

Old age is a stage of life, where one needs to learn certain things afresh and get hold of new skills, mind-sets and socialization norms. In this lens, we present some useful information that would be of use to our senior citizens and also for the one who care for them.

 Grow Old With Me - The Best is Yet to be

Old Age. Best Is Yet to be?

During one's adult years one is diligent thinking of others, caring for others, working for others, earning for others. Whether or not one marries, has children, lives in a family - one lives amongst people. But after a life time of it one suddenly faces days and years of isolation and little to do. Now solitude may be a good place to visit but it is not such a good place to verbally express in. Although no man is an island, modern society more often than not forces the old person to live like one and although Simon and Garfunkel tell us that islands never cry, human islands do. Sometimes one is lucky to have one's most proximate companion in life (which a spouse has become by this time) helping one to believe "grow old with me/the best is yet to be" as Browning seemed to believe.

Every so often one is not quite so lucky and then the days are longer and emptier. It is lamentable but whenever we think of senescence, what automatically come to mind are visions of solitude and neglect. And if we integrate to these failing health and illness the picture becomes filled with a sense of helpless despair. Although it is true that at no stage of life is it ever smooths sailing and every stage has its own attendant problems, those of senescence seem insurmountable because the physical ability and mental resilience to cope with adverse situations are vastly reduced. And, to top it all, if there is no one else around even remotely intriguingly fascinated in whether the problem at hand merits a solution, the fight becomes that much harder.

 Old-Age Problems

Old Age People

Old age may bring on a need of mental sharpness. This can take place because of physical weakness. If the mind has been deserted, especially if the Word of God the almighty has been abandoned, there will be a breakdown of the mentality. In the said old age, there can be an embarrassment to life from the viewpoint of success standards. Someone looks back and observes life as a breakdown. Maybe he set ambitions, and now he is old and never understood the goals. There is an enormous danger of disenchantment. There is a propensity for great augment in mental attitude signs in old age, with stress on criticism and judgment. These things are over and over again overlooked in youth; but they are terrible in the elderly.

There is habitually a lack of self-confidence in old age, particularly if the old people can't take care of themselves monetarily. Their children are in the chief of their lives and repeatedly the children's plans do not include them. Old age may bring a lack of ability to concentrate, forgetfulness, inability to speak, to hear, to see etc. So the old individual gets used to sitting in a chair as pensiveness, vegetating, saying nothing.

There is occasionally a lack of reason to live, too much redundant time, and too much time for belligerent. There may be a craving to travel but no means to do so. There is a lack of important things to do. Old age brings about future shock. Senior citizen finds himself out of phase with the younger generations of children and grandchildren. Therefore a hazardous trend can get started toward hypercriticism.

The older believer may have stopped up growing religiously, or worse, may for no reason have got started. There is, therefore, no learning, no pursuit with God, no longing for the Word life. There is a propensity to vegetate, to become tired, to rely on the learning done years before. There can be a predisposition toward the negatives of Titus 2:3, becoming fake accusers, rumours, evil speakers, cruel in criticism.

There is a trend in the midst of older believers to drink a lot when they don't have something else going for them. There is the inclination to imagine that getting old means that a person has some wisdom. So there is the talkative senior citizen who never stops talking and impose continuous boredom on his listeners with his tired expression and homely chatter.

Give Up Your Pain

The Drug To Relieve Your Complaint

The pain is limiting you and you would like it left first, last and all the time? Thereat having qualitative preparation may be the sort of relieve you are looking for. But afore you get medication, remember during what time your therapy is expected to last. Drugs can be taken for long-term healing, in the rate when complaint relief is required daily. When you use the custom mean and take it from the regional dispensary using a prescript, you should see how expensive it may take you for the extended medication, especially when you are giving money by yourself. A lot wiser solution should be to buy your Tramadol online, while you can cut the charge of the treatment significantly, till getting the sort you had in mind. Web pharmacies let you buy Tramadol and any else drugs very simply and conveniently, that explains why many individuals select this kind of receiving the medication they want. You could have quality drug without prescription during just a few min., and in addition receive a bonus for the number you buy (if you are purchasing in bulk) and get it delivered very fast straight to your doorstep. This sure seems as the best solution, especially if you are not that sort of individuals which could allow themselves to test a fortune on healing the ache.

In most cases, such a remedy is prescribed for the treatment of medium to bad pain, though there may be other points relying on any particular incident. Because of this it is best to have the therapy just for that period it is recommended and constantly trace the quantity recommended. If you have ever been addicted to opiate or alcohol, or even have a kind of self-annihilation thoughts, you may need to consider the getting of the medicament with trained medical doctor heretofore taking the ultimate conclusion. Other medic conditions that must be discussed with an expert health service specialist afore you start the healing involve kidney disease, liver disorder and stomach trouble, although any other factors you are aware can disturb with your efficient curing should always be substantial to register. It is recommended for people of age sixteen and should not be shared with the ones under said years. So, be confident and attentive when choosing drugs for your pain relieve and don't risk with your health and life. Save your heath and good luck!

A Terrifying Experience

A Terrifying Experience

When the fingers of my left hand began to go numb for long periods of time, I became frightened. After seeing my doctor and going through treatment, it became clear that I would need to undergo a Ulnar Nerve Release if I was to regain feeling in my fingers. This procedure is becoming more and more common, as people are suffering from all types of repetitive stress injuries

irst, Some Backstory

A little history to my story.

Having been born in the early 80s, I'm part of one of the last generations that remembers a time before technology took over our lives. There wasn't a computer in every home, very few had a cell phone (remember those? they looked like bricks!), and home video game systems were still pretty new.

But everything has changed rapidly. Now everyone has their own electronic leash, otherwise known as a cellphone. Computers are used for nearly every job out there and you most certainly have at least one for home-use. Video games have advanced beyond our wildest imaginations. Constant usage of these devices is creating an epidemic.

Not only are we reliant on technology but it is also harming us. Everyone knows about "carpal tunnel" and "repetitive stress injury". "Cell phone elbow" is another common one. I'm sure everyone who reads this knows at least one person affected. Maybe even you yourself have had problems.

 Trouble Ahead...

Heed the warning signs.

I've had a lot of jobs in the data entry field. This usually means a lot of time spent sitting at a computer, entering information. Which means a lot of typing. In some ways this is good, as it means I've got loads of experience and am proficient in typing (which means being fast with little-to-no errors.)

In the summer and fall of 2004, I was entering loads of information into a database. Six hours a day, five days a week. Sometimes I even worked Saturdays. It was a big job with a lot of responsibility.

I started to have problems with my left arm. My pinkie finger would feel numb sometimes, other times I would feel that "pins and needles" sensation like it had gone to "sleep". My elbow would sometimes ache. I had already been diagnosed with carpel tunnel syndrome but that mostly affected my right wrist. I found it weird that my left arm was hurting, mainly because I am right-handed. I mean, I can do lots of things with my left hand but it is not my dominant hand. So why was it hurting so much?

I saw my orthopedist and he sent me to have some tests performed. I had a nerve conduction study but the results didn't show any damage to my nerves and everything seemed to be functioning normally. It was decided I was probably just hurting from a repetitive stress injury due to so much computer work.

I ended up taking anti-inflammatory medication, has some physical therapy, and worked through the pain. Eventually my job came to an end and I moved on to something else. In time I completely forgot about it, as my arm no longer bothered me.

What is a Nerve Conduction Study?

A simple overview

A nerve conduction study (or NCS) is a common test that is used to evaluate the function of the motor and sensory nerves in the body, especially the ability of the nerves to conduct the electrical impulses.

Nerve conduction studies are used for determining and evaluating paresthesias (meaning numbness, tingling, burning) and/or weakness in the arms and/or legs of a patient. Common disorders that can be diagnosed by nerve conduction studies include:

peripheral neuropathy
carpal tunnel syndrome
ulnar neuropathy
Guillain-Barré syndrome
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
spinal disc herniation

The test includes motor and sensory NCS, which is performed by electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve via electrodes placed on the patient's body. Each patch gives off a very mild electrical impulse, which stimulates the nerve, and the results are recorded. A F-Wave and H reflex study is also part of the test. A F-Wave study uses the supramaximal stimulation of a motor nerve to record the potential action from a muscle supplied by the nerve. A H-reflex study uses the stimulation of a nerve and records the reflex electrical discharge from a muscle into the limb.

Electromyography ("myography" means "an instrument for recording the contractions and relaxations of muscles") is often done at the same time as this test. An electromyography is when needles are placed into the muscles and a recording of the electrical signals is made. During the test you will actually hear the sounds of the electrical impulses, which is quite fascinating. Unfortunately, this part of the test can be painful and patients can experience muscle soreness.

Danger, Danger!

A close-call...

In 2005, the pain in my left arm flared up again. But I pointedly ignored it. I have a naturally high pain tolerance and tend to not heed warning signs my body gives me. I did some more data entry work but I tried to counter-act the pain with pain medication and using wrist braces my orthopedist gave me.

In 2006, my arm had had enough.

I was again doing data entry but found that even short periods of time on the computer caused my left pinkie and ring fingers to go completely numb. And soon the lower part of my left palm began to get "pins and needles". My left forearm would ache for hours; sometimes the pain felt like it was burning beneath my skin. My left wrist ached as if the joint was swollen up. My left elbow started to hurt all the time.

The day my left pinkie and ring finger went numb and stayed that way was the day I got frightened. My body was giving me signs I could no longer ignore.

I was terrified. Because I could not feel my fingers, I was afraid I would hurt them somehow but not know it. I scheduled an appointment with my orthopedist immediately.

September - November 2006

I can't go on in pain any longer.

My orthopedist took an x-ray of my left wrist. When I was 2, I broke my wrist and damaged the growth plate. As I grew older, and because the plate was damaged, I have a noticeable gap in the bones of my wrist. It has developed arthritis as well as carpal tunnel.

But that was not the cause of my pain. I was sent for a second nerve conduction study, and I requested that I have both arms studied in case my right arm also had problems. I actually saw the same doctor for the test but had no memory of the first one; this was a little awkward. But as the test progressed, it was clear that my left arm was having problems with the nerves and there was damage.

Having sticky electrodes placed on your skin is nothing much. They can make you want to itch and the stickiness stays after you remove them. Receiving electrical stimulation isn't painful, especially if you've ever had physical therapy. The hardest part was the electromyography. I don't have a fear of needles (I've got multiple tattoos and have had plenty of injections in my lifetime) but having needles, even small ones, stuck in your muscles hurts. For me this was the coolest part of the test. You get to hear the electrical impulses your body makes via your nerves to control movements and motor functions. There is something so fascinating about being able to hear something you normally never get to. (I asked if they would give me a recording of it but it didn't happen.)

The diagnosis was compression of the ulnar nerve of the left arm.

After my orthopedist received the results of the nerve conduction study, he prescribed me Tramadol for the pain. By that point, I was in constant pain to the point of being drained. While the Tramadol would relieve the pain, it also made me a zombie. I could barely function let alone get out of bed while I was taking it.

One of the hardest months of my life was November 2006. My maternal grandmother was moving from her home of 35+ years to her new condo. We had to pack all the contents of her old home, condense them down, and have movers truck them to her new home. And here I was, out of my mind from pain and the pain relievers that were supposed to be helping alleviate that pain.

I remember the day the movers came to pack the guest room bed I was sleeping in. I managed to drag myself out of it, gather my belongings and my suitcase, and dragged them into the alcove off my grandparents' bedroom. I went back to sleep and didn't wake up until the next morning. And that was because the pain in my arm was so terrible it woke me up.

The stress and anxiety I felt over my arm made my Costochondritis flare up. It also wreaked havoc with my anxiety disorder. When you live in chronic pain, you become depressed. Everything was set in a vicious circle and I was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be light at the end of the tunnel.




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